埜中 正博
   所属   関西医科大学  脳神経外科学講座
   職種   教授
論文種別 原著(症例報告除く)
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Changes in tissue-plasminogen activator mRNA expression following cortical ablation in the rat brain.
掲載誌名 正式名:Journal of molecular neuroscience : MN
略  称:J Mol Neurosci
巻・号・頁 14(1-2),pp.53-59
著者・共著者 Kohmura E, Yuguchi T, Sakaki T, Nonaka M, Fujinaka T, Hayakawa T, Yoshimine T
発行年月 2000/02
概要 Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) has been used to treat acute thrombotic lesions. Roles other than the activation of fibrinolytic pathways have been suggested for tPA in the mature brain. We used the in situ hybridization technique to investigate the changes in tPA mRNA expression within the brain after cortical ablation. We found that expression of tPA mRNA started to increase diffusely in the cortex ipsilateral to the injury 6 h after ablation. This increase had become prominent 24 h after ablation. On d 5, the expression of tPA mRNA had returned to that of the control animals except for the area near the injury. We also found that administration of MK-801 before injury suppressed the increase of tPA mRNA in the ipsilateral cortex. These results suggest that the increase in tPA mRNA is likely to be mediated via activation of NMDA receptors.
DOI 10.1385/JMN:14:1-2:053
PMID 10854036