大中 誠之
   所属   関西医科大学  眼科学講座
   職種   講師
論文種別 原著(症例報告除く)
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Long-term expression of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor slows, but does not stop retinal degeneration in a model of retinitis pigmentosa
掲載誌名 正式名:Journal of Neurochemistry
略  称:JNC
巻・号・頁 122(5),pp.1047~53
著者・共著者 Ohnaka M, Katsuaki M , Yuan-Yuan Gong, Rebecca Stevens, Iwase T , Sean F. Hackett, Peter A. Campochiaro
担当区分 筆頭著者
発行年月 2012/09
概要 Retinitis pigmentosa is a group of diseases in which one of hundreds of mutations causes death of rod photoreceptor cells and then cones gradually die from oxidative damage. Previous studies have demonstrated encouraging short-term results with gene transfer of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF). We generated rd10 mice with doxycycline-inducible expression of GDNF in photoreceptors (Tet/IRBP/GDNF-rd10 mice) or retinal pigmented epithelial cells (Tet/VMD2/GDNF-rd10 mice). GDNF protein levels were increased about 2.3-fold at P35 and 30% at P70 in Tet/IRBP/GDNF-rd10 mice, and in Tet/VMD2/GDNF-rd10 mice they were increased 30% at P35 and not significantly increased at P70. Despite the difference in expression, Tet/IRBP/GDNF-rd10 and Tet/VMD2/GDNF-rd10 mice had comparable significant increases in outer nuclear layer thickness and mean photopic and scotopic ERG b-wave amplitudes compared with rd10 mice at P35 which decreased, but was still significant at P70. Compared with rd10 mice, Tet/IRBP/GDNF-rd10 and Tet/VMD2/GDNF-rd10 mice had comparable significant improvements in cone density at P50 that decreased, but were still significant at P70. These data indicate that despite a large difference in expression of GDNF, Tet/IRBP/GDNF-rd10 and Tet/VMD2/GDNF-rd10 provide comparable slowing of photoreceptor degeneration, but cannot stop the degeneration.