髙橋 寛二
   所属   関西医科大学  眼科学講座
   職種   非常勤講師
発表タイトル Conducting Eye Camp in Nepal
会議名 WOC2014(第118回日本眼科学会総会)
発表者・共同発表者◎Katayama M, Matsuyama K, Matsuoka M, Nishimura T, Takahashi K
発表年月日 2014/04
(都市, 国名)
概要 Conducting Eye Camp in Nepal
Our organization, Eye Association for The Himalayan (EArTH), conducts the outdoor medical program called 'Eye Camp'
in Nepal, one of the poverty countries of Asia.
We report our roles of Eye Camp.
The Eye Camps were organized eight times at the remote areas in Nepal, i.e. Kavre, Pachical, Bhojpur, Tatopani and
Manang area between December 2008 and May 2013; and each Eye Camp was organized for three days with medical
examination, care and surgery. Not only medical facilities but also the lodging and dining facilities for the patients were
set up, because many patients came to the Eye Camp from a long distant. The total cost of the Eye Camp was paid from
EArTH, and all patients needed no charge.
First, the chairman of EArTH decided the venue of the Eye Camp, and contacted the Nepalese organizer. In parallel, the
members of EArTH were called on to set up the Eye Camp. Next, Nepalese organizer engaged the Nepalese medical
staffs and contacted the village mayor in the venue. The mayor made the announcements about the Eye Camp with use of
radio broadcast and all that and choose about 30 village peoples as volunteers.
The medical items were bought and transferred from Japan; some of them were bought in Nepal. The staffs arrived at the
venue to set up the Eye Camp until previous day by walk, car, airplane, motorbike, or horse.
The interview of medical history, visual acuity test, and support of patients were conducted by Nepalese and Japanese
volunteers; and the ophthalmic examinations and cataract surgery by Nepalese and Japanese ophthalmologists.
The patients underwent the surgery stayed at the lodging facilities over night, and their eyes were washed and checked up
by ophthalmologists. At a month later, the Nepalese staffs accompanied with the Eye Camp performed a medical