埜中 正博
   所属   関西医科大学  脳神経外科学講座
   職種   教授
論文種別 原著(症例報告除く)
言語種別 英語
査読の有無 査読あり
表題 Increased transcription of glutamate-aspartate transporter (GLAST/GluT-1) mRNA following kainic acid-induced limbic seizure.
掲載誌名 正式名:Brain research. Molecular brain research
略  称:Brain Res Mol Brain Res
巻・号・頁 55(1),pp.54-60
著者・共著者 Nonaka M, Kohmura E, Yamashita T, Shimada S, Tanaka K, Yoshimine T, Tohyama M, Hayakawa T
担当区分 筆頭著者
発行年月 1998/03
概要 Expression of mRNA for glutamate-aspartate transporter (GLAST/GluT-1/EAAT1) was studied in the brain of the rat which presented recurrent limbic seizure following systemic administration of kainic acid (KA) by in situ hybridization and Northern blot analysis. The expression of GLAST mRNA was markedly increased after 12 h and peaked after 48 h in animals which demonstrated limbic seizure. The induction of the mRNA were observed in the small non-neuronal cells in the hippocampus, especially around CA3 region and hilus. In contrast, there was no change in GLAST mRNA levels in KA injected seizure-free animals. These findings suggest that GLAST mRNA is induced by seizure and increased extracellular glutamate levels during seizure may be important for induction of GLAST mRNA.
PMID 9645960