(最終更新日:2024-06-28 11:57:20)
  サタケ アツシ   SATAKE ATSUSHI
  佐竹 敦志
   所属   関西医科大学  内科学第一講座
   職種   准教授
■ 専門領域
■ 所属学会等
1. 2001~ 日本内科学会
2004 ∟ 認定内科医
2018 ∟ 総合内科専門医
2. 2001~ 日本血液学会
2006 ∟ 血液専門医
■ 学術雑誌掲載論文
1. 原著(症例報告除く)  IL-2 signals determine the degree of TCR signaling necessary to support regulatory T cell proliferation in vivo. 2012
2. 原著(症例報告除く)  Cell-autonomous role of TGFβ and IL-2 receptors in CD4+ and CD8+ inducible regulatory T-cell generation during GVHD. 2012
3. 原著(症例報告除く)  Cellular therapies supplement: the role of granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor and dendritic cells in regulatory T-cell homeostasis and expansion. 2011/11
4. 症例報告  Dasatinib-induced rapid regression and complete molecular remission of multiple subcutaneous tumours presenting as relapsed chronic myeloid leukaemia after cord blood transplantation. 2011
5. 原著(症例報告除く)  The role of host TLR-4 in triggering acute GVHD. 2010
■ 著書
1. 部分執筆  悪性リンパ腫におけるFDG-PETと背景抑制広範囲拡散強調画像(DWIBS)を用いた評価の試み「臨床放射線」 2020/10
■ 学会発表
1. Differential Targeting of Signaling Pathways to Selectively Expand Mouse Regulatory T Cells While Inhibiting Conventional T Cells (ポスター掲示) 2012/12
2. Cell Autonomous Role of TGFβ and IL-2 Receptor in the In Vivo Generation of CD4 and CD8 Inducible Regulatory T Cells During Graft-Versus-Host Disease (ポスター掲示,一般) 2011/12
3. Ph+白血病に対する治療戦略 (口頭,特別講演・招待講演など) 2202/10/30
4. Efficacy and Safety of Polatuzumab-Vedotin Plus Rituximab, Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin and Prednisone (Pola-R-CHP) for Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma in the Real-World Setting: A Single Institute Retrospective Study (ポスター掲示,一般) 2023/12/10
5. AML with unsuccessful cytogenetics and unclassified cytogeneticsの予後 (口頭,一般) 2023/10/15
■ 医療上の専門領域