(最終更新日:2024-04-25 05:05:06.256052)
  アムロ ヒデキ   AMURO HIDEKI
  安室 秀樹
   所属   関西医科大学  内科学第一講座
   職種   講師
■ 資格・免許
■ 所属学会等
1. 2001/04~ 日本内科学会
2007 ∟ 内科認定医
2. 2005/04~ 日本リウマチ学会
2010 ∟ 日本リウマチ学会リウマチ専門医
3. 2006 日本免疫学会
■ 学術雑誌掲載論文
1. 原著(症例報告除く)  IL-6 inhibitors and JAK inhibitors as favourable treatment options for patients with anaemia and rheumatoid arthritis: ANSWER cohort study 2024/02
2. 原著(症例報告除く)  Real-world comparative study of the efficacy of Janus kinase inhibitors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: the ANSWER cohort study 2023/11
3. 原著(症例報告除く)  Drug retention of biologics and Janus kinase inhibitors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: the ANSWER cohort study 2023/08
4. 原著(症例報告除く)  Prognostic factors affecting respiratory-related death in patients with rheumatoid arthritis complicated by interstitial lung disease: An ANSWER cohort study 2023/08
5. 原著(症例報告除く)  Add-on Effectiveness of Methotrexate or Iguratimod in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Exhibiting an Inadequate Response to Janus Kinase Inhibitors: The ANSWER Cohort Study 2023/07
■ 学会発表
1. CKD合併RA 患者におけるRA治療の実態 -ANSWERコホートを用いた後ろ向き調査- (口頭,一般) 2022/04/25
2. Comparison of the drug retention and reasons for discontinuation of Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors, Interleukin-6 Inhibitors, and Janus Kinase Inhibitors in Japanese patients with Elderly-onset Rheumatoid Arthritis-the ANSWER cohort study (口頭,一般) 2022/04/25
3. Drug retention of biologics or JAK inhibitors in patients with difficult-to-treat rheumatoid arthritis: Results from the ANSWER cohort (口頭,一般) 2022/04/25
4. MTXの継続率と生活習慣病の関連 -関西多施設 ANSWER コホートを用いた検討 (口頭,一般) 2022/04/25
5. The association of large joint involvement at the MEMO start of biologic agents or JAK inhibitors with drug continuity rate and disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis patients - ANSWER cohort study (口頭,一般) 2022/04/25